
Tax Strategies

The IRS grants tax exempt status to certain types of organizations in order to give relief of some financial burden. This status must be applied for. Once granted, your organization will be able to have business income that is free from federal taxes.

Posted October 12, 2022
Investment Strategies

In today's world, you need to work smarter, not necessarily harder. To accomplish this, you should take a closer look at generating passive income. Rather than always struggling to earn a few dollars here and there, it pays to find ways that will have your money working for you, rather than the other way around.

Posted October 4, 2022

Negative items on your credit report can stay there up to seven years. That’s a long time to pay for a financial mistake, especially if you’ve since improved your financial habits. Your credit report directly impacts your credit score. This helps creditors to determine if you are a good risk.

Posted September 29, 2022
Business Performance

When you own a small business, every dollar counts. Unfortunately, many business owners don't take this philosophy to heart, leading them to make various budgeting mistakes. While some mistakes are relatively small and can be easily corrected, others can have a devastating impact on a business.

Posted September 21, 2022
Business Tips

When you own a small business, every dollar counts. Unfortunately, many business owners don't take this philosophy to heart, leading them to make various budgeting mistakes. While some mistakes are relatively small and can be easily corrected, others can have a devastating impact on a business.

Posted September 14, 2022
Business Strategies

As a business owner, you know it's important to not only bring in revenue, but also limit your company's expenses. Yet, since there are so many expenses associated with your business, you know it can sometimes be hard to keep track of everything.

Posted September 5, 2022
Tax Tips

Owning your own business has significant tax advantages. Ask anyone who has gone from being an employee to being their own boss and they’ll tell you the deductions alone make it all worthwhile. Still, many business owners are missing out on a fair number of deductions. This may be for a combination of reasons.

Posted August 25, 2022

In the wake of the pandemic, more employees are returning to the workplace. Although we may be in for more as far as new virus variants, it’s looking like the swell of returning to the office environment isn’t going to withdraw any time soon.

Posted August 18, 2022