

Saving for retirement shouldn’t be complex. Here’s how to keep it simple.

The number 1 thing to keep in mind when saving for retirement is consistency. Overthinking elaborate investment schemes is not as effective as it is to keep things simple and invest on a regular basis.

Posted July 7, 2014

Will your itemized deductions for 2013 be right around the standard reduction amount? If so, you can bundle expenses for every other year and claim the standard deduction in the in between years. Over two years, this will significantly cut how much income you’re taxed on.

Posted June 26, 2014

Did you know anyone paid for babysitting has to report that income to the IRS if they made over $600? Or let’s say you and a neighbor want to trade cars, you’ll still have to pay taxes on what the fair market value of the car you bartered. But not all income is taxable.

Posted June 19, 2014

Living abroad for work can be a tricky tax situation. In many cases both countries want to tax your income that you’re making while working and living overseas. While many countries have different requirements, here’s what you need to know about the IRS’s requirements.

Posted June 12, 2014

Looking for work costs money. Things like resume paper and printing, a new suit, and paying for premium online job search services can add up. This can be a little tough on job seekers who are likely unemployed. Sometimes these job seekers even have to take a class or two to be more marketable.

Posted June 5, 2014

Starting a new business is exciting! At least until you get the paperwork part. It’s important that you first identify just what type of business you in regards to the IRS.

If you’re starting a new business here’s what you need to know about filing statuses for businesses:

Posted May 29, 2014

The most affordable city to go to this summer is the one you live in.

If it’s a lean year or you have some financial goals you are working towards and looking to cut back on spending for a while, a staycation may be a great option.

Posted May 29, 2014

For some, just what number to write on each line, seems to get more confusing every time it needs to be filled out.

Posted May 29, 2014